RE’20 introduces a new mentoring model which is different from the one used for previous conferences. We do not offer mentoring support prior to the paper submission deadlines. Instead, after the notifications of the authors of submitted papers have been sent out,
authors of rejected research track and RE@Next! track papers can apply for mentoring.
Applications should contain the following information in a single pdf file:
- Name and affiliation of applicant
- Title and number of rejected RE’20 submission
- Outline of the research that the rejected paper is part of (500 words max.)
- Short CV
Please submit your application via EasyChair. Select the RE’20 Mentoring Track for your submission.
Submission deadline: May 22, 2020 June 2, 2020
If we receive more applications than we can handle in the RE’20 mentoring program, the Mentoring Chair will select applicants based on the the information provided in the application and the reviews of the rejected paper. Applications which do not conform to the application instructions will be desk-rejected.
Applicants selected for mentoring will receive an invitation to attend the conference, to present their work to a panel of experts in a special track and receive feedback from them. Accepted applicants must register for the conference and attend in person. No paper or abstract about the presented work will be published in the proceedings.
This call is only open for authors of a paper submitted to the research or RE@Next! track which has been rejected.
Submission instructions will be included in the notification for rejected papers.